Roly Polies

Teacher/Child Ratio 1:4
Our Roly Polies classroom is a place that offers nurture and love to your infant through intentional interactions. The environment begins to introduce daily routines in new and interesting ways that allow your child to explore and develop a healthy sense of trust in the people that are a part of their lives. Stroller rides and the outdoor infant play area are a part of our weekly activities, allowing your infant to enjoy getting outside and experience the different weather and environments the pacific northwest has to offer.
Monthly visits from our consulting nurse help to guide the appropriate health and safety needs per individual infant as they’re developing. Our teacher plans out activities for each week that are designed to help each child reach individual and unique goals through play and the use of their senses. These activities are displayed on a lesson plan on a parent communication board outside of the classroom.
Some of the skills we work on beyond the emotional development include the slow introduction and ability to eat solid foods and drink from a sippy cup without assistance. We also begin to build muscle strength to assist with their ability to move effectively on their own by crawling, scooting, and/ or walking. All these things help them prepare to play and learn in the next classroom, the Caterpillars!
Wee Care Academy uses the Lifecubby family app (our digital portfolio system) to track your child’s development and update you on daily activities such as diapers, bottles and food intake, and nap times. Weekly assessments are sent to share the exciting developments happening with your child and the fun activities they’re participating in. Daily classroom observations and pictures are shared to help you connect with your child and extend their learning from school to home.